Journal Entry 3 – The Dirty Dream

I went to bed a little earlier than usual today, around 11:40 pm. I do not remember exactly when I fell asleep. I do not remember what exactly I dreamt about, but towards the morning, when I was almost about to wake up, or you can say half asleep, I saw having some steamy intimacy with an imaginary person, he did not have a face. But I woke up, half asleep, feeling my underpants gliding against my inner walls but not causing any friction, like a soft and moist piece of cloth.

I quickly woke myself up completely and brought myself back to senses. But, the dream was not complete, so I felt weird and went to the washroom. The weather was just as pleasing and helping as ever, birds chirping, the outside was not completely bright yet everything was fully visible and the coolness in the air was making me want it more than ever.

In the washroom, I opened my braids and freed my hair as I prepared. Then, I slowly ran my hands through my body first touching my cheeks, then lips, as if somebody was caressing me, somebody I love, somebody who’s touch would feel calming yet raising every hair on my body. Then I took my fingers to glide over my neck followed by my chest and breasts. While my right hand was busy doing this, my left hand took the lead in squeezing my waist like somebody would, when they pull somebody closer. All of this was happening over my night dress, a knee-length long brack dress. I then removed my dress and took a good look at myself, the marks of chicken pox, the stretch marks, the body hair, nothing disgusts me. As if I love them, as if I want them to stay right there, I do not wanna get rid of any of them. I moved my fingers over the linings of each of the round marks of chicken pox from over 7 months, the long stretch marks on my outer thighs and as my nail tips touched my skin onn those places, it felt erotic and so calming that i would die to feel that again.

Then, I sat down on the marble floor of our bathroom and slowly, with my right hand, I spread my legs. While my left hand was squeezing my left breast, my right hand was playing with my labia and clit, bringing those muscles together and then separating them with my index and middle finger while my thumb played with the clit. I could feel myself aroused, so i first gently thrusted my middle finger of right hand (since, i have long nails on my left hand), then, i pulled that finger out and thrusted again, then, i inserted another finger, the index finger of my right hand inside me and kept going, each time faster and deeper than the earlier one. After a few minutes, I came. When I came out from the bathroom, it was 6 am.

My hand muscles were sore, but worth it. This calmed me a lot. It has been a really long time since I have felt this kind of calmness. This also put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Journal Entry 2 – The Short Story

I was reading a novel that I am supposed to beta read. It is an controversial yet excellent novel for its literature quality. But as the novel is not yet published to the mass, I will not be able to share the name with you. It has its flaws, I agree, but at the same time it made me feel things I never knew existed. It made me feel that there lies a world beyond our known ones which is above all the boundaries created by the society.

I can not put it into words but I was so overwhelmed by the novel that I i could not hold myself back from pleasuring me physically.

So, I chose a time when my mom will be extremely busy with morning chores and my sister would be sleeping sound, the mid early morning, 8:30 am.

I went inside the washroom. Pulled my t shirt up and my solid maroon coloured shorts down and sat down on the porcelain floor. I started off with my left hand grabbing and massaging my left breast with olive oil, while my right hands were busy with the right one. As I proceeded, my hands became warm along with my breasts, then I started pinching my nipples and twisted them, they became hard.

After a while, my right hand slid down to touch my clit and i started massaging it in round motion, first anticlockwise, then clockwise. It was sending an unbearable tingling sensation to my entire body everytime I let my fingers press and creat a round motion on my clit whichI can not explain in words. I kept on massaging my breast and clit with slight nipple-pinching from time to time. This kept going for a while and I released. Then, I started thrusting my middle finger of my right hand, followed by my ring finger. After that, I pulled them out a little then again thrusted them in, together, then again, pulled them out. I kept on going until i released again.

I got up, tried to get my senses back. Took a shower. Wore my clothes and came out.

It has been a really long time since I have released twice in the same session. It felt amazing to have explored my body, my senses and most importantly, me, to such extend that led me to taste heaven and come back.

Journal Entry 1 – The Broken Shower Head

Journal Entry 1 Saturday , 21st August 2022 Time: 10 AM - The Broken Shower Head

I was about to take a shower, but my shower head started misbehaving and all the water was leaking from the screw of its head, this is not the first time that this is happening, so, I know how to fix it. 

Bring the stool, stand up on it, move the shower head in clockwise direction, so, that it stays firmly attached and the leaking stops. However, when I was getting down, I saw myself in the mirror and stopped, I don’t know why. 

I removed my black and white printed maxi dress while still having my panties on. I was looking at myself in the mirror and my fingers almost automatically started embracing my body. Starting from the neck, they moved down to my chest and then, breast and took a little tour around my breast before reaching the little black bump. While my left hand fingers were busy with the left bump, my right hand was moving all over my belly, touching the slightly defined abs, then the lining of my black panties. My left hand then moved to my inner thighs, where they slightly scratched the skin. As the tips and edges of my long nails were touching my skin, I was feeling a constant sensation. 

I then removed the only piece of cloth I was wearing and sat down on the stool that I was standing till now, spread my legs, released my hair from the clutcher and clipped them on my nipples and twisted it. While my left hand was busy with this, I was aggressively smashing my right breast with my right hand, this is one habit that my ex boyfriend has gifted me and it still turns me on. I didn’t look down but I know they will be so red and sore after this, that I won’t be able to wear clothes without feeling it at least for 3 to 4 days. But i would never do anything to hurt myself permanently, it is always temporary pain that comes with such great intensity of pleasure. I kept on twisting my nipples and smashing by breast but did not touch myself down there until I could not take it anymore, which happened after sometime. I started moving my right hand down to my spot and started playing with my clit and continued for sometime before I thrusted my fingers in.

So, I thrusted my middle and my ring finger inside as deep as I can and pulled them out a little and kept on doing this until my mom asked me to come out because I was taking too much time. So, I couldn’t satisfy myself and had to stop. 

However, I was watching a bl(boyslove), “kinnporsche” in the evening and that, again, turned me on and when I saw that the risk of getting disrupted is minimum, I entered bathroom with clothes as if I want to take a shower and then I started what was due. 

I was already about to cum so I directly jumped into IT. This time I used a cleaned new toothbrush fresh from the packet(I have OCD) and thrusted its back into me, but it wasn’t enough, so, I thrusted another, they weren’t enough either so I thrusted another, this time it was enough. I thrusted them as deep as I can and pulled them back a little then, thrusted them again and kept on repeating, as I was going in and out, my senses were going numb, I felt relaxed, more and more relaxed with every thrust until I released. 

After I release, it is not always the case that I feel extremely happy but I do feel relieved and also a little fresh. This time also I felt nice and as I had a lot of pressure due to University tasks, it felt like it helped me calm down a little.

10 Reasons To Make Masturbation Part Of Your Wellness Routine3

Everyone masturbates, right? Or do they? And why is it so embarrassing to talk about? Should we be doing it more?

Well, here are my answers: yes, everyone masturbates. But yes, we should also be doing it more. According to Indiana University’s National Survey Of Sexual Health And Behavior, more than half of American adults report masturbation between one and four times a week. Men masturbate more frequently than women do, and it’s time to change that.

Through working with thousands of women as a health coach (in addition to my own personal experience), masturbation has been both an uncomfortable topic to talk about — while also being a powerful healing technique. It’s time to finally embrace it.

Masturbation has gotten a bad reputation, mainly because religion and culture tell us it’s a sin. The Bible doesn’t explicitly talk about masturbation, although there is some stern warning against “spilling your seed on the ground.” The Catholic Church decided that masturbation (sometimes referred to as “onanism” after Onin, a Biblical character) was a sin deserving of eternal damnation.

By the time World War I came around, onanism was being called “self-abuse” and described in medical texts as more dangerous to young boys than lying or stealing. Girls and women aren’t even mentioned, as if “the fairer sex” couldn’t even possibly do something so dirty.

So it stands to reason that most of us would feel some traces of shame, guilt, or even fear when practicing this very natural act. But take heart from the animal world and modern science! Dozens of mammal, bird, and insect species have been documented to masturbate in captivity and in the wild. From penguins, to dolphins, horses, and even porcupines, mother nature has no judgment when it comes to wrapping your hand, wing, or fin, around your own personal magic wand.

In honor of National Masturbation Month, here are ten great reasons that masturbation should be an essential part of your wellness and self-care routine:

1. You’ll get a healthy dose of dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin.

According to the 2009 University of Michigan study, orgasms cause the body to release dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin, the “love and bonding” hormone.

The boost of these hormones in turn lowers cortisol, a main stress hormone. Chronically elevated cortisol levels lead to inflammation, stress-eating, insomnia, and weight loss resistance. This means your pleasure-powered work outs will more easily lead to a toned body.

2. You won’t get as many junk-food cravings.

Higher levels of oxytocin makes us feel happier, which keeps those emotionally-triggered food cravings for sugars, cheese, and other “comfort foods” at bay. Oxytocin levels are usually increased simply through the physical stimulation of the clitoris, vagina, cervix, and breasts. So even if you don’t reach climax, you’ll still release this powerful neurotransmitter.

3. For men, frequent masturbation improves sperm quality.

Why? There is less DNA damage and motility problems with fresh sperm.

4. Pleasure is physiologically relaxing, which has a positive effect on the microbiome.

The gut and the mind are inextricably linked. In my book Women, Food, And Desire, I tell the story of a client who wasn’t dating, and wasn’t masturbating. She had been suffering from bloating, gas, and a frustrating “muffin top” that wouldn’t budge for years. I took her to Babeland, a clean, well-lit sex store, and we spoke with a knowledgeable staff member who helped her pick out her first nontoxic vibrator.

After a couple of weeks of self-exploration, and regular self-pleasure, she noticed a marked difference in her digestion, and her bloating had reduced greatly.

5. Women who masturbate regularly are more likely to feel positively about their body.

This, unsurprisingly, leads to higher confidence, and a positive upward spiral of self-care. When you know what you need to bring yourself pleasure and orgasm, you strengthen your emotional intelligence and connection to your body.

Knowing how your body works, and what you’re capable, regardless of your relationship status, helps you make better decisions and stronger boundaries about dating and mating. When you can bring yourself physical pleasure, you don’t need someone else to validate that you’re sexy. You know it.

6. Daydreaming kicks life up a notch.

Another study reveals that sexy daydreams release testosterone in women, which means that when you read erotic fiction, or watch any kind of porn that excites you, your body will begin anticipating encounter, which naturally raises your libido and quite literally gets your juices flowing.

7. You will feel less pain. Really.

Orgasms (and to a lesser extent simple sexual arousal) increase blood flow to both your brain and reproductive organs, which helps soothe menstrual cramps and headaches.

8. Sexual pleasure brings you in the present moment.

Sexual pleasure is a great way to clear your mind of ruminating and excessivea nxiety. It brings you to the present moment, kind of like meditating! But if sitting on a meditation cushion isn’t doing it for you, grab your bottle of lube.

The physical release doubles as stress relief, and can be a great way to get in touch with your body and out of your head. Being in the moment, and focusing on what feels physically good to you, is a wonderful intentional practice with many benefits.

9. You can keep your sex life alive and kickin’ no matter what.

Especially if you’re single, or in a long-distance relationship, masturbation is a great way to help your sexual energy stay alive. Self-stimulating keeps your reproductive tissues flexible, strong, and healthy. The more solo-sex you have, the more you’ll want because your brain is thinking about sex more often. This is really helpful for couples who are separated or for the single person who wants to present the best version of themselves while dating.

10. It feels awesome!

And we all need more pleasure in our lives, am I right?

So join me and thousands of others as we celebration the 20th anniversary of National Masturbation Month!

10 Reasons To Make Masturbation Part Of Your Wellness Routine2

Everyone masturbates, right? Or do they? And why is it so embarrassing to talk about? Should we be doing it more?

Well, here are my answers: yes, everyone masturbates. But yes, we should also be doing it more. According to Indiana University’s National Survey Of Sexual Health And Behavior, more than half of American adults report masturbation between one and four times a week. Men masturbate more frequently than women do, and it’s time to change that.

Through working with thousands of women as a health coach (in addition to my own personal experience), masturbation has been both an uncomfortable topic to talk about — while also being a powerful healing technique. It’s time to finally embrace it.

Masturbation has gotten a bad reputation, mainly because religion and culture tell us it’s a sin. The Bible doesn’t explicitly talk about masturbation, although there is some stern warning against “spilling your seed on the ground.” The Catholic Church decided that masturbation (sometimes referred to as “onanism” after Onin, a Biblical character) was a sin deserving of eternal damnation.

By the time World War I came around, onanism was being called “self-abuse” and described in medical texts as more dangerous to young boys than lying or stealing. Girls and women aren’t even mentioned, as if “the fairer sex” couldn’t even possibly do something so dirty.

So it stands to reason that most of us would feel some traces of shame, guilt, or even fear when practicing this very natural act. But take heart from the animal world and modern science! Dozens of mammal, bird, and insect species have been documented to masturbate in captivity and in the wild. From penguins, to dolphins, horses, and even porcupines, mother nature has no judgment when it comes to wrapping your hand, wing, or fin, around your own personal magic wand.

In honor of National Masturbation Month, here are ten great reasons that masturbation should be an essential part of your wellness and self-care routine:

1. You’ll get a healthy dose of dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin.

According to the 2009 University of Michigan study, orgasms cause the body to release dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin, the “love and bonding” hormone.

The boost of these hormones in turn lowers cortisol, a main stress hormone. Chronically elevated cortisol levels lead to inflammation, stress-eating, insomnia, and weight loss resistance. This means your pleasure-powered work outs will more easily lead to a toned body.

2. You won’t get as many junk-food cravings.

Higher levels of oxytocin makes us feel happier, which keeps those emotionally-triggered food cravings for sugars, cheese, and other “comfort foods” at bay. Oxytocin levels are usually increased simply through the physical stimulation of the clitoris, vagina, cervix, and breasts. So even if you don’t reach climax, you’ll still release this powerful neurotransmitter.

3. For men, frequent masturbation improves sperm quality.

Why? There is less DNA damage and motility problems with fresh sperm.

4. Pleasure is physiologically relaxing, which has a positive effect on the microbiome.

The gut and the mind are inextricably linked. In my book Women, Food, And Desire, I tell the story of a client who wasn’t dating, and wasn’t masturbating. She had been suffering from bloating, gas, and a frustrating “muffin top” that wouldn’t budge for years. I took her to Babeland, a clean, well-lit sex store, and we spoke with a knowledgeable staff member who helped her pick out her first nontoxic vibrator.

After a couple of weeks of self-exploration, and regular self-pleasure, she noticed a marked difference in her digestion, and her bloating had reduced greatly.

5. Women who masturbate regularly are more likely to feel positively about their body.

This, unsurprisingly, leads to higher confidence, and a positive upward spiral of self-care. When you know what you need to bring yourself pleasure and orgasm, you strengthen your emotional intelligence and connection to your body.

Knowing how your body works, and what you’re capable, regardless of your relationship status, helps you make better decisions and stronger boundaries about dating and mating. When you can bring yourself physical pleasure, you don’t need someone else to validate that you’re sexy. You know it.

6. Daydreaming kicks life up a notch.

Another study reveals that sexy daydreams release testosterone in women, which means that when you read erotic fiction, or watch any kind of porn that excites you, your body will begin anticipating encounter, which naturally raises your libido and quite literally gets your juices flowing.

7. You will feel less pain. Really.

Orgasms (and to a lesser extent simple sexual arousal) increase blood flow to both your brain and reproductive organs, which helps soothe menstrual cramps and headaches.

8. Sexual pleasure brings you in the present moment.

Sexual pleasure is a great way to clear your mind of ruminating and excessivea nxiety. It brings you to the present moment, kind of like meditating! But if sitting on a meditation cushion isn’t doing it for you, grab your bottle of lube.

The physical release doubles as stress relief, and can be a great way to get in touch with your body and out of your head. Being in the moment, and focusing on what feels physically good to you, is a wonderful intentional practice with many benefits.

9. You can keep your sex life alive and kickin’ no matter what.

Especially if you’re single, or in a long-distance relationship, masturbation is a great way to help your sexual energy stay alive. Self-stimulating keeps your reproductive tissues flexible, strong, and healthy. The more solo-sex you have, the more you’ll want because your brain is thinking about sex more often. This is really helpful for couples who are separated or for the single person who wants to present the best version of themselves while dating.

10. It feels awesome!

And we all need more pleasure in our lives, am I right?

So join me and thousands of others as we celebration the 20th anniversary of National Masturbation Month!

10 Reasons To Make Masturbation Part Of Your Wellness Routine1

Everyone masturbates, right? Or do they? And why is it so embarrassing to talk about? Should we be doing it more?

Well, here are my answers: yes, everyone masturbates. But yes, we should also be doing it more. According to Indiana University’s National Survey Of Sexual Health And Behavior, more than half of American adults report masturbation between one and four times a week. Men masturbate more frequently than women do, and it’s time to change that.

Through working with thousands of women as a health coach (in addition to my own personal experience), masturbation has been both an uncomfortable topic to talk about — while also being a powerful healing technique. It’s time to finally embrace it.

Masturbation has gotten a bad reputation, mainly because religion and culture tell us it’s a sin. The Bible doesn’t explicitly talk about masturbation, although there is some stern warning against “spilling your seed on the ground.” The Catholic Church decided that masturbation (sometimes referred to as “onanism” after Onin, a Biblical character) was a sin deserving of eternal damnation.

By the time World War I came around, onanism was being called “self-abuse” and described in medical texts as more dangerous to young boys than lying or stealing. Girls and women aren’t even mentioned, as if “the fairer sex” couldn’t even possibly do something so dirty.

So it stands to reason that most of us would feel some traces of shame, guilt, or even fear when practicing this very natural act. But take heart from the animal world and modern science! Dozens of mammal, bird, and insect species have been documented to masturbate in captivity and in the wild. From penguins, to dolphins, horses, and even porcupines, mother nature has no judgment when it comes to wrapping your hand, wing, or fin, around your own personal magic wand.

In honor of National Masturbation Month, here are ten great reasons that masturbation should be an essential part of your wellness and self-care routine:

1. You’ll get a healthy dose of dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin.

According to the 2009 University of Michigan study, orgasms cause the body to release dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin, the “love and bonding” hormone.

The boost of these hormones in turn lowers cortisol, a main stress hormone. Chronically elevated cortisol levels lead to inflammation, stress-eating, insomnia, and weight loss resistance. This means your pleasure-powered work outs will more easily lead to a toned body.

2. You won’t get as many junk-food cravings.

Higher levels of oxytocin makes us feel happier, which keeps those emotionally-triggered food cravings for sugars, cheese, and other “comfort foods” at bay. Oxytocin levels are usually increased simply through the physical stimulation of the clitoris, vagina, cervix, and breasts. So even if you don’t reach climax, you’ll still release this powerful neurotransmitter.

3. For men, frequent masturbation improves sperm quality.

Why? There is less DNA damage and motility problems with fresh sperm.

4. Pleasure is physiologically relaxing, which has a positive effect on the microbiome.

The gut and the mind are inextricably linked. In my book Women, Food, And Desire, I tell the story of a client who wasn’t dating, and wasn’t masturbating. She had been suffering from bloating, gas, and a frustrating “muffin top” that wouldn’t budge for years. I took her to Babeland, a clean, well-lit sex store, and we spoke with a knowledgeable staff member who helped her pick out her first nontoxic vibrator.

After a couple of weeks of self-exploration, and regular self-pleasure, she noticed a marked difference in her digestion, and her bloating had reduced greatly.

5. Women who masturbate regularly are more likely to feel positively about their body.

This, unsurprisingly, leads to higher confidence, and a positive upward spiral of self-care. When you know what you need to bring yourself pleasure and orgasm, you strengthen your emotional intelligence and connection to your body.

Knowing how your body works, and what you’re capable, regardless of your relationship status, helps you make better decisions and stronger boundaries about dating and mating. When you can bring yourself physical pleasure, you don’t need someone else to validate that you’re sexy. You know it.

6. Daydreaming kicks life up a notch.

Another study reveals that sexy daydreams release testosterone in women, which means that when you read erotic fiction, or watch any kind of porn that excites you, your body will begin anticipating encounter, which naturally raises your libido and quite literally gets your juices flowing.

7. You will feel less pain. Really.

Orgasms (and to a lesser extent simple sexual arousal) increase blood flow to both your brain and reproductive organs, which helps soothe menstrual cramps and headaches.

8. Sexual pleasure brings you in the present moment.

Sexual pleasure is a great way to clear your mind of ruminating and excessivea nxiety. It brings you to the present moment, kind of like meditating! But if sitting on a meditation cushion isn’t doing it for you, grab your bottle of lube.

The physical release doubles as stress relief, and can be a great way to get in touch with your body and out of your head. Being in the moment, and focusing on what feels physically good to you, is a wonderful intentional practice with many benefits.

9. You can keep your sex life alive and kickin’ no matter what.

Especially if you’re single, or in a long-distance relationship, masturbation is a great way to help your sexual energy stay alive. Self-stimulating keeps your reproductive tissues flexible, strong, and healthy. The more solo-sex you have, the more you’ll want because your brain is thinking about sex more often. This is really helpful for couples who are separated or for the single person who wants to present the best version of themselves while dating.

10. It feels awesome!

And we all need more pleasure in our lives, am I right?

So join me and thousands of others as we celebration the 20th anniversary of National Masturbation Month!

Journal Entry 30 – The Sexy Ice Cream

Journal Entry 30 Saturday , 17th March 2021 Time: 3 PM - The Sexy Ice Cream

Today things turned out unexpected, yet fun. It was a normal day at home, and I decided to video call my long-distance boyfriend as usual. But it was in between, that my mom called me to have the ice cream.

Talking about the ice cream, it’s been so long I was craving for one, but I was in control, keeping the health factors in mind. So, yeah we had gone to the Ice Cream shop yesterday and bought home a few new flavors and also a family pack. So I was super excited to try it all!

So, there was this new ice cream called “Push Up”( Arun Ice Cream). It had a blue candy flavor, yet the interesting part was its packaging. It was in a plastic tiny cylinder-like shape, which had an attached stick below, which we had to push up each time we finish eating the ice cream, that’s how the shopkeeper explained.

So yes, I paused my video call, mom gave me the ice cream, and I continued on the call. So, I was also confused at the beginning on how to eat it and somehow figured it out. So, yeah I started eating it, which was super yum, but at the same time looked as if giving a blowjob…Haha…my boyfriend too could feel it and he was already aroused and just wanted to masturbate.

But I wanted to enjoy eating the ice cream. He hurried me, and I was also aroused and excited about this new experience because I could feel the same experience of giving a blow job, the texture and how the ice cream looked, once we licked and all that… it felt awesome!

I finished eating and we decided to masturbate on the video call, which we do often. I locked the door and got undressed. I also grabbed my bottle toy(dick-shaped). I ensured to have kept my phone in such a position that we both could make the best of this session virtually. I opened my legs widely, as I could see his super hard cock. I started to rub my pussy with the tip of the toy, imagining his dick rubbing my pussy. So, he wanted me to enact doing a blow job, if the toy was his dick. Hence. I held the toy in such a manner and bent forward to do the same. I wish I ate that ice cream now because it would have been tastier and sexier. I loved the way he admired my breasts moving as I did the blow job on the toy.

I was super aroused by now and just wanted to see him cum. I opened my legs again and placed the phone a bit farther so that he could feel the pleasure like me. I missed feeling his dick, that tenderness, and that feeling. I badly wish if VR was possible through video calls…so unrealistic though! I inserted the toy, inside my pussy, slowly and vibrated within, as he moved his dick in a vibratory motion on the video call. I was simply in a super mood as I enjoyed the movement of the toy inside me. At the same time, I did massage my boobs, with my left hand, and slightly pinched my nipples, I even moaned out of joy and pleasure, which this session gave me.

Then we decided to make it faster like to do it in a faster motion so that he could cum as well. Also, I don’t know why, but I get extra aroused when I see him cum. It just excites me and gives me an addition to my level of orgasm, which I can feel right now.

Journal Entry 29 – The Juiciest Session

Journal Entry 29 Thursday , 1st April 2021 Time: 7 PM - The Juiciest Session

I have always been a curd lover and continue to be so. So, yes, today something really interesting happened, something different and something I never thought would happen or end up like this. Yup…I masturbated again, but what made me masturbate or what made me aroused was a yogurt…that too Fruit Yogurt…funny…isn’t it? I had a great day and I had a great post-workout bath, after which I usually eat some fruits or something from the fridge which would be cold and extra juicy. I happened to buy fruit yogurt when I went to buy groceries earlier in the day. So I thought of having it after my workout. Eagerly, I went to the fridge and grabbed that yummy tiny packet of Blueberry flavored yogurt, and went to my room. I sat on the dressing table chair and stretched my legs onto the cot, and started tasting the yogurt. It was super tasty as usual and I continued to eat it with my spoon. I finished eating a quarter of it, while I tried to simply sip it, and unfortunately, it dropped into my cleavage…Lol!! To be honest, it felt good, like a snowball stuck in between my boobs, which then slowly melted. That pleasure did arouse me and wanted to feel more…I remembered how me and my boyfriend used to talk dirty, simply telling all the juicy stuff which we would like to try on each other, and we had even spoken of pouring ice cream on our body parts to enjoy sucking them. Yup….virtual dirty chat has always been fun! I wanted to feel that coolness on my nipples, and cover my areolas with that super chilled and tasty yogurt. So, why not…? I quickly shut the door of my room and removed my top and slightly pulled down the strap of my slip, because I was just too lazy to get all undressed again. The destination was all set now, my nipples were already semi-erect probably due to that dripping effect on my cleavage. I then took the spoon and poured some of the yogurts on my right nipples first…I do not know how to express that feeling in words..all of a sudden I imagined how it would be if women had flavored milk in their breasts, which would of course add spice to sexual intercourse. But also, in reality, it might just end up in tonnes of more assaults against women in a country like India. Leaving all that aside, I simply closed my eyes and felt the goodness of the moment. I wanted to lick it, yet I thought of covering up the left areolas too because otherwise, I would feel incomplete. Ahh… feel that chillness was super special and rare, which I have not experienced ever before.

I kept the yogurt aside, and lifted my left boobs, and licked the yogurt from it, imagining someone else doing it for me. I have genuinely loved the way my boyfriend plays with my boobs, and wish he was here now. I closed my eyes and licked it all, and then did the same to my right breasts which again felt super satisfactory. I did not wanna stop, and so I again poured the leftover yogurt on both of my juicy boobs to suck them more and get the pleasure out of it.

I wished someone could lick my pussy for me right now…with the yogurt on it and make me feel heavenly. But I did not wanna pour the yogurt over there now, because I just had a bath. Yet, to temporarily get satisfaction over there, I rubbed around my clit opening for around 5 minutes and then relaxed.

I did not have an orgasm as such, yet I felt the pleasure at a different peak after trying out this variety of a session, which I loved, all tasty and juicy after all!

Journal Entry 28 – Dirty Hobby

Journal Entry 28 Tuesday , 30th March 2021 Time: 4 PM - Dirty Hobby

Today has been a nostalgic day for me, being at home for months and it’s been more than a year since I met my boyfriend. I was also at a point of being fed up with the long-distance relationship because I felt like I was not even in a relationship and that inability to get that affection and a chance to hang out and go for real dates and all that. Yet, I believe to get it all normal, when it’s the right time perhaps, hence feel positive. So, I decided to rewind all those little good times we spent together when I was in the second year of my college.

As I was reminded of our first kiss at the metro station stairs, how excited we were, how good we felt, and how it all ended. It was quite a quick session though, I would have rewound those moments about 100 times on that day itself! Also, I remember how eager we were for our next meeting so that we could make out more, well planned, and with better understanding. Also, it was after the first kiss that both of us got more open-minded towards each other and that we discussed a lot more personal stuff and even started virtual fun and sexting and all that.

Even now, I wait eagerly for our next meeting to take things to the next level and have a good time. Every time I think of it, I start imagining, about our first sleepover, how it would be and what we would do…if it all happens sometime soon. Yet, the overall mood just gave me arousal and wanting to satisfy myself, to get that feeling of intimacy and exploring. I slowly started massaging my boobs,  , by taking my hands to the boobs from underneath my shirt, which was easier since I was braless. It again reminded me of how we enjoyed ourselves at the theater once, which was the second time he massaged my boobs. I missed that feeling of someone else doing it for me…that goosebumps and rush in mind which happened at that time. All those moments were simply flashing through my mind. As I continued to massage my boobs, first the right and then the left. It made me hornier and I removed my top, to take a look at my erect nipples by now, which were as erect as on that day too. But maybe, I feel like my boobs have increased in size, compared to that day. When will we get a chance again, to try out all curiosities again!

I continued to pleasure myself, by moving my hands down to my pussy. Which is hairy now, but was shaved on that day which was the first time he fingered me. I simply loved the way he did it for me..and how horny we got that day, in the theatre. Hence, I imitated the same manner how he did that day, from touching it slowly at first, like how a stranger slowly steps into a new city, with things unknown, and exploring how it feels like, just the outer covering and then finally finding the destination, which would be my hole, to explore its depth thereafter. I do not remember what he did next, yet, I remembered how well my pussy was fingered, the way he vibrated his fingers while inside my pussy, which I am doing right now, gives me better pleasure and that feeling of experiencing it all again, after quite a long time.

 It feels heavenly I would say. I continued to vibrate my middle finger while inside the hole, for a continuous stretch of about 3 minutes and then took a gap where I undressed completely. It reminded me how we then looked at each other, out of happiness and then him continuing it. Even now, I continued fingering it the second time, for another 3 minutes…to happily get the pleasure of climax. That wonderful feeling of sexual satisfaction, I took a deep breath and lay on my bed naked hugging my pillow!

Journal Entry 27 – Dirty Hobby

Journal Entry 27 Friday , 26th March 2021 Time: 11 AM - Dirty Hobby

I happened to find out a new dirty hobby recently, which I would like to share as a part of this entry of mine. So, I got this idea when my boyfriend and I were casually talking over the phone. He said to me that he had read some interesting stuff on quora and explained to me the whole story. Until then, I used quora only to search for other general questions, and now onwards it gave me a chance to search for hot topics and real experiences of different age groups of people, regarding relationships, their first times, and even sex.

So this gave me another opportunity to educate myself about sex and all that. I started finding it interesting to search for weird topics, especially during my online classes…Lol! So I read stories of their first-time sex and was shocked to see that most have had sex really at a very young age. Yet, it was super interesting and well written by those anonymous writers, every bit was detailed and engaging. So, I was reading this story of a young boy, who had to stay at his far cousin’s sister’s place to give her company as nobody was home. And as the boy enters the home, surprisingly he sees her masturbating in the room, to which his dick reacts and things get spicy.

What an incident it felt really interesting while reading, yet I wondered if things like these could happen at all, and young kids able to do all these…I wondered what I would have done if I was caught in her position. I would think twice before fucking with some guy from my family probably. But yeah…I would not mind fucking with a stranger perhaps. Anyways all these have simply given me arousal to masturbate and satisfy myself because it’s impossible for me to find a person and fuck right now. Also, the end of the story seemed to be a happy one, since the guy ended up teaching the girl different positions and they had a great night!

I do not know why, but the fact is that I really wanna try sex and feel that intimacy. But yes, only with an acceptable person of my choice, preferably my boyfriend of course. All these could happen only in dreams right now, to which I decided to grab that dick-like toy of mine and satisfy myself. I used a pillow as a support this time, to feel like an imaginary partner near me, simply for me to hug and relax. I quickly undressed and lay naked. I kept the pillow on my bed and lay on my tummy in such a way that my stomach part was on the pillow and my pussy in a position easier for me to insert the toy. I inserted it slowly, into my pussy hole and vibrated it for about 2 minutes at a stretch. I also loved the feeling of my boobs seemed longer due to the pillow effect.

Then, I removed the pillow and lay facing the ceiling, with crossed legs. All of a sudden, it reminded me of sex scenes in movies of how they show the girl on the bed, with the guy riding her over there. Now, I inserted the toy in this position, with my legs wide open, slower than before, and enjoyed every bit while inserting and pulling my toy for about 5 minutes. Then I tried making movements by hitting my ass on the bed, and luckily, the bed being a spring bed, gave that vibration which made my boobs jiggle! I wished someone was over me, all ready to cum on my belly button and boobs. Haa….all remains a fantasy.

And successfully, I could feel the happiness of my climax as I saw the toy covered with my white fluid and that feeling of sexual pleasure of course.