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Journal Entry 2 – The Short Story

I was reading a novel that I am supposed to beta read. It is an controversial yet excellent novel for its literature quality. But as the novel is not yet published to the mass, I will not be able to share the name with you. It has its flaws, I agree, but at the same time it made me feel things I never knew existed. It made me feel that there lies a world beyond our known ones which is above all the boundaries created by the society.

I can not put it into words but I was so overwhelmed by the novel that I i could not hold myself back from pleasuring me physically.

So, I chose a time when my mom will be extremely busy with morning chores and my sister would be sleeping sound, the mid early morning, 8:30 am.

I went inside the washroom. Pulled my t shirt up and my solid maroon coloured shorts down and sat down on the porcelain floor. I started off with my left hand grabbing and massaging my left breast with olive oil, while my right hands were busy with the right one. As I proceeded, my hands became warm along with my breasts, then I started pinching my nipples and twisted them, they became hard.

After a while, my right hand slid down to touch my clit and i started massaging it in round motion, first anticlockwise, then clockwise. It was sending an unbearable tingling sensation to my entire body everytime I let my fingers press and creat a round motion on my clit whichI can not explain in words. I kept on massaging my breast and clit with slight nipple-pinching from time to time. This kept going for a while and I released. Then, I started thrusting my middle finger of my right hand, followed by my ring finger. After that, I pulled them out a little then again thrusted them in, together, then again, pulled them out. I kept on going until i released again.

I got up, tried to get my senses back. Took a shower. Wore my clothes and came out.

It has been a really long time since I have released twice in the same session. It felt amazing to have explored my body, my senses and most importantly, me, to such extend that led me to taste heaven and come back.

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Founded in 2019, we strive to build awareness and acceptance of female self pleasure. #liberatednotashamed

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